Tooth loss : Warning signs

Tooth loss : Warning signs
Extract from the article: The periodontium is a part of the dentition composed of supporting bones, tissues, fibers and gums. The health of this part of the jaw is just as important as the health of the teeth. If the periodontium is in poor condition, there's a good chance we

The periodontium is a part of the dentition composed of supporting bones, tissues, fibers and gums. The health of this part of the jaw is just as important as the health of the teeth. If the periodontium is in poor condition, there's a good chance we'll lose them.

There are many risk factors and signs that can alert you to tooth loss. Understanding these signs can help you be aware of the state of your mouth and prevent problems that lead to tooth loss.

A change in gum color

The normal texture of our gums is said to be orange peel with a pink color if we have fair skin, tending to brown if our skin is black. Gum disease leads to destruction of the ligaments and bone around the tooth root. When gums turn red and bleed, it's time to seek medical attention, as this is a sign of gum inflammation called gingivitis. Gingivitis can sometimes be associated with infection. A change in color accompanied by bleeding gums should never be overlooked, as is still all too often the case today.

Swollen gums between teeth

The gums in certain areas of the jaw have become enlarged. This may be an abscess in the periodontium, a pocket of bacteria between the gum and the root of the tooth.This can be a sign of periodontitis, a disease that leads to tooth loss.

Increased tooth sensitivity

Gums turn red and are painful when brushing or eating.These symptoms are signs of gingival inflammation. As the inflammation progresses, the gums become increasingly sensitive, then painful, followed by dental hypersensitivity to hot and cold, as well as to sweet foods. This hypersensitivity is due to the loosening of part of the dental root.

Bleeding gums

Frequent bleeding can be a sign of gum disease, such as gingivitis or periodontitis.Recurrent bleeding, however slight, from the gums should not be overlooked.Indeed, recurrent gingival bleeding is almost always the manifestation of gingivitis of bacterial origin. If this inflammation is not eliminated, it will slowly but progressively lead to periodontitis. This can lead to loss of tooth attachment.

Bad breathIt's easy to feel that even with good dental hygiene, your breath just isn't the same.Some people, if possible, tell us so.It's time to do something about it. Bad breath is caused by bacteria that proliferate and stagnate in the oral cavity, particularly in periodontal pockets, releasing foul-smelling volatile compounds. Bad breath can be one of the signs of periodontitis. Good oral hygiene, including tooth brushing, is essential.Use a toothbrush or toothpick. Accompany this practice with at least one annual visit to the dentist.

Moving teeth

One or more teeth may feel even slightly loose.When gum inflammation sets in, it often leads to a loss of tooth-supporting tissue.The bone resorbs, leaving part of the root exposed. Teeth then move slightly.Spontaneous tooth loss is a direct consequence of periodontal disease.

Tooth loosening

In the mirror, teeth appear longer in the mouth. When gingivitis, then periodontitis, sets in, the gums gradually recede, revealing part of the root as well as the dental crown. Without intervention to reduce and treat the loosening, tooth sensitivity develops, followed by loss of the affected teeth.

Shifting teethUntil now, teeth have been very closely aligned, but the upper incisors have moved slightly apart.Prolonged, untreated inflammation around the teeth can destroy tissue and bone.Tongue "tapping" behind the upper incisors with loss of support causes the front teeth to fan out.It's a sign that you're at risk of losing your teeth.


Source: Dr Christophe Lequart, Dental Surgeon (France)


The periodontium is a part of the dentition composed of supporting bones, tissues, fibers and gums. The health of this part of the jaw is just as important as the health of the teeth. If the periodontium is in poor condition, there's a good chance we