Vasectomy practice in Togo: Interview with Dr Bingo Kignomon M'Bortché, Obstetrician-Gynecologist, Head of Medical Division, ATBEF
- Posted on 27/09/2024 10:21
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Extract from the article: World Contraception Day was celebrated on September 26, 2024. The theme chosen for the celebration is: “A choice for everyone. The freedom to plan, the power to choose”. Access to contraception is a human right.Contraception remains the flagship acti
is safe, with no side effects and no long-term health consequences»
World Contraception Day was celebrated on September 26, 2024. The theme chosen for the celebration is: “A choice for everyone. The freedom to plan, the power to choose”. Access to contraception is a human right.Contraception
remains the flagship activity of the Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Etre
Familial (ATBEF). A pioneer in this field in Togo, the fixed and mobile service
points and the network of Community Health Workers contribute almost 20% of the
national Couple Year Protection (CAP). ATBEF offers a full range of
contraceptive methods for both sexes. Five years ago, ATBEF introduced
vasectomy to its family planning service package, once again breaking new
ground in the field. What is this contraceptive method? What are its
advantages? Answers withDr Bingo M'Bortché, Gynecologist, Head of ATBEF's
Medical Division.
What is vasectomy?
is a birth control method for men. It consists in isolating the vas deferens
from the scrotum, then ligating or severing them under local anaesthetic. There
are two vas deferens, which carry sperm from the testicles to the ejaculatory
ducts. Vasectomy is a simple procedure that can be adopted by men who no longer
wish to have children.
vasectomy legal in Togo?
is legal in Togo, as is tubal ligation as a method of birth control. It is
offered to adult men who no longer wish to have children. To benefit from this
method, the man must have had time to reflect and give his consent by signing a
consent form.
is the current state of vasectomy in Togo?
is offered in Togo. It has been introduced at the Association Togolaise pour le
Bien-Etre Familial (ATBEF) since May 2012. Since its introduction at ATBEF, an
average of 5 clients have benefited from this method every month at ATBEF since
its introduction.
is a vasectomy performed?
are two types of vasectomy: standard vasectomy and vasectomy without scalpel.
In Togo, vasectomy without scalpel is the preferred option. It can be performed
on an outpatient basis.
vasectomy: the skin is incised over each deferent or
only over the median raphe, and the deferent is removed from the bursa under
local anaesthetic.
vasectomy: Scalpel-free vasectomy is a simple
technique in which the vas deferens are isolated using appropriate forceps
under local anaesthetic.The anaesthetic is applied to the bursa. The
appropriate forceps are used to make a small opening. Through this opening, the
two vas deferens are pulled out one after the other with appropriate forceps,
enabling them to be sectioned. The procedure takes an average of 15 minutes.
vasectomy reversible?
is an irreversible procedure.It is therefore proposed to men who no longer wish
to have children.
are the advantages of vasectomy?
is safe, with no side effects and no long-term health consequences. It allows
the man to commit to the well-being of his family. It helps avoid unwanted
pregnancies and too many pregnancies.
there any side effects to vasectomy?
a surgical procedure, vasectomy has no side effects. However, there are a few
rare complications, such as pain and hematoma in the bursa.
vasectomy affect erection or ejaculation?
does not affect erection.Erection depends on the brain, the structure of the
penis and testosterone, the hormone produced by the testicles. The vas deferens
are not involved in the erection process.
by William O.