ATBEF: Getting students to take ownership of comprehensive sex education themes

ATBEF: Getting students to take ownership of comprehensive sex education themes
Extract from the article: After setting up two kiosks at the University of Lomé, the Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ATBEF) is getting closer to students. As the University of Lomé is a place of knowledge par excellence and home to the largest number of youn

After setting up two kiosks at the University of Lomé, the Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ATBEF) is getting closer to students. As the University of Lomé is a place of knowledge par excellence and home to the largest number of young people in great need of ESC information, ATBEF organised a university forum on comprehensive sex education for teachers and students on 17 June. The aim is to get the academic world to take ownership of the themes of sexuality education.

The Association Togolaise pour le Bien-être Familial (ATBEF), which specialises in Sexual and Reproductive Health and Family Planning (SRH/FP), initiated the GAC project "Empowering young people through the provision of rights-based sexual and reproductive health services and comprehensive sexuality education" with support from IPPF. One of the primary missions is to provide quality, user-friendly information and services tailored to young people through knowledge of comprehensive sexuality education (CSE).

To this end, the ATBEF has initiated direct discussions with the student body and, at the same time, has made itself known. The association has moved closer to students to provide them with ESC information services. As Hervé Ouagbéni, ATBEF's Youth Programme Manager, explains, this is done by building their capacities so that they can « enjoy a fulfilled and responsible youth ». It is therefore vital to give students access to information about their sexual and reproductive health rights.

During the meeting, the students discovered the online ESC service platforms, namely E-learningatbef and the InfoAdoJeunes mobile application. At the same time, they viewed a number of Amaze video clips. « It's a strategy that combines business with pleasure, because these capsules are in cartoons, and we know that young people are very interested in cartoons », commented Hervé Ouagbéni. ATBEF highlighted its initiatives such as the youth centre of excellence, mobile clinics and kiosks.  The aim of these projects is to raise awareness and support the Togolese population in matters of health, sex education and family planning. ATBEF continues to work actively to improve access to sexual and reproductive health information and services for all Togolese, especially young people.

CSE, a concern of ATBEF

Comprehensive sexuality education aims to give young people an in-depth understanding of their bodies, interpersonal relationships, sexuality and reproduction. Mastering CSE will empower students, giving them the life skills to take responsibility for themselves, so that they adopt more egalitarian attitudes to gender roles, cultivate respect for themselves and others, and finally make informed decisions about reproductive health.

At the end of the forum, the students made no secret of their satisfaction. « I discovered ATBEF's online education platforms, which I find very interesting. I took the opportunity to update my knowledge of contraceptive methods and reproductive health », said Innocente Amouzou, a sociology student. Emile Garba, for his part, used the Amaze videos to gain a better understanding of the concept of gender and issues of gender-based violence. Several students took part in the forum.  For Victoire Missihu, a 2nd year student at the University of Lomé, this meeting will help to prevent sexual abuse. « Comprehensive, evidence-based sex education is essential to enable us young people to make informed decisions and maintain our sexual health and well-being. It also helps prevent sexual abuse, unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections », she said. 

Following this forum, ATBEF is planning a competition for budding geniuses on comprehensive sexuality education. The competition will pit the faculties and schools of the University of Lomé against each other. A prize of 1,500,000 CFA francs will be up for grabs.

ATBEF has been in partnership with the University of Lomé since 2020. The association has trained preventive medicine providers to offer user-friendly services to adolescents and young people, and equipped preventive medicine to offer contraception services to young people. And that's not all. It has set up two service kiosks staffed by a volunteer trained in dealing with young people. The volunteer offers not only contraception services but also comprehensive sex education.

Jean ELI


After setting up two kiosks at the University of Lomé, the Association Togolaise pour le Bien-Etre Familial (ATBEF) is getting closer to students. As the University of Lomé is a place of knowledge par excellence and home to the largest number of youn