Categorie: Blog

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «Blog»

santé éducation
18/09/2024 13:02

Breastfeeding to prevent diabetes in mothers

L'allaitement maternel joue un rôle significatif dans la prévention du diabète chez les mères. Plusieurs études ont démontré que l'allaitement peut réduire le risque de développer un diabète de type 2 après la grossesse.

santé éducation
12/06/2024 16:12

Link between menstrual color and health status

Menstrual color is an indicator of a woman's state of health. This is because menstrual blood is made up of the body's waste products. In particular: lipids, proteins, hormones, stem cells, water, dead endometrial cells and organic pollutants. In oth

santé éducation
06/06/2024 20:12

Foods that damage the intestines

Intestinal health has a lot to do with what you eat. To take care of your intestines, you need to keep an eye on what you eat. The first thing to do is rely on probiotics. These bacteria improve intestinal flora and boost the immune system. To keep y

santé éducation
31/05/2024 13:23

4 secrets for health and longevity

Dans la quête d'une vie plus longue et en meilleure santé, il est essentiel d'adopter des habitudes bénéfiques pour le corps et l’esprit. Les avancées scientifiques et les recommandations médicales offrent des moyens concrets pour y parvenir. Le Prof

santé éducation
22/05/2024 18:00

Celery: Energy and Sexual Endurance

Celery is one of those vegetables that are not only easy to incorporate into the diet but also give a boost to libido while promoting overall health. Celery is mainly known for its diuretic and hypotensive properties...

santé éducation
20/12/2023 15:40

Slimming girdle : beware of the risks

Having a slim waistline is one of the fashions imposed on today's society, to the point of giving rise to a proliferation of accessories and practices that are highly prized by women and some men. These accessories come from the West, including the s

santé éducation
08/12/2023 11:36

20 minutes of walking a day

Health professionals say it over and over again: exercise is good for your health. But the Togolese population is increasingly sedentary. Lack of exercise is an aggravating factor in many chronic diseases: diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascula

Display of 12 results on 110 — Page 1