Categorie: female corner

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «female corner»

20/06/2023 20:51

Mammography: when is it done?

Mammography is an X-ray examination of the breasts, carried out using an X-ray machine known as a mammograph. It is indicated as a first-line screening and diagnostic procedure for breast cancer, which is both the most common and the most deadly dise

13/06/2023 17:13

Vaginitis: a gateway to infection

Vaginitis is an inflammation of the vagina most often caused by infection, but not always. It is characterized by irritation, itching or painful sensations in the vulva or vagina, as well as « abnormal » vaginal discharge. It's also known as vulvovag

07/06/2023 13:09

Vulvar pruritus or itchy sex: what to do?

Some women have an irresistible urge to scratch their sex day and night. A highly sensitive area of the female anatomy, the vulva can be subject to severe itching. This is known as vulvar pruritus, and is a frequent reason for consultation. Dr. Dedé

09/02/2023 16:16

Pregnant women: avoid excessive ice water

La grossesse est l’un des moments les plus délicats de la vie d’une femme. Souvent on constate que certaines femmes enceintes consomment en excès de l’eau glacée. D‘après des scientifiques, cela peut avoir des conséquences sur l’immunité de la femme

27/01/2023 16:00

How to use the morning-after pill

Contraception is the set of means adopted to prevent sexual intercourse from leading to pregnancy. Even if very few women use it, the morning-after pill is one of the contraceptive methods that save many. The morning-after

27/12/2022 13:06

Beware of fried foods during pregnancy

Pregnant women should not eat too many chips, croquettes and other fried foods. According to research by the University of Maastricht in collaboration with other European universities, the harmful substances contained in the fried food eaten by the..

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