Categorie: sexuality

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «sexuality»

santé éducation
07/03/2024 16:00

Going out as a couple : the marriage vitamin

Living happily in a marriage depends on a number of parameters, some of which seem subtle and sometimes overlooked. One of the fundamental elements of a happy marriage that is often overlooked is going out as a couple. Going out as a couple is a very

santé éducation
04/03/2024 21:03

9 Health troubles cured by making love

Several studies demonstrate that sexual intercourse, conducted within legal bounds such as in a committed relationship, can act as therapy and a preventive source for certain health conditions. Sexologists address health issues through sexual....

santé éducation
19/01/2024 11:18

Gongoli to boost sexual pleasure

Le Gongoli est l’un des aphrodisiaques naturels les moins connus dans le monde et des plus utilisées en Afrique. C’est une racine appelée en français le vétiver. Elle est utilisée dans de nombreuses cultures africaines pour son pouvoir aphrodisiaque.

santé éducation
24/11/2023 17:08

Vaginismus: pain during penetration

Some women are unable to make love. For them, penetration is impossible. At the slightest attempt, at the slightest touch of the penis against the vulva, intense pain occurs, making it impossible to continue the act. This is known as vaginismus. What

santé éducation
06/10/2023 15:02

Couple: Secrets to a fulfilling sex life

Everyone is different and we don't all have the same expectations in terms of sexual satisfaction. Whether you're a man or a woman, the degree to which you want to make love varies from person to person, depending on the time of day or the period you

santé éducation
21/09/2023 17:18

Soft erection: causes and remedies

An erection that's less vigorous, less long-lasting or even non-existent. It may not just be a question of fatigue or stress. There are often overlooked and sometimes very serious causes of this problem.

santé éducation
19/09/2023 11:00

I have a lot of erotic dreams. Is it serious?

Depending on the period you're going through, erotic dreams can be linked to a lack of sexual fulfillment in real life. Or, conversely, the tendency to have and remember such dreams can be fuelled by intense sexual activity, or at least by a strong r

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