Categorie: sexuality

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «sexuality»

santé éducation
07/02/2025 14:31

Water: aphrodisiac virtues

Drinking water and, above all, staying well hydrated plays an essential role in general well-being and, more particularly, in sexual performance. In fact, simple adjustments to your hydration routine can have a positive impact on your energy, blood c

santé éducation
10/02/2025 17:53

Finger penetration: beware of infections

In addition to its reproductive role, the purpose of sexual intercourse is to bring pleasure to the couple. During the act of intercourse, the man is generally the main actor and does not hesitate to use certain means, such as finger penetration, to

santé éducation
04/02/2025 11:50

Couples/ Give foreplay a boost !

Foreplay determines the rest of the sexual cycle. Whatever the type of stimulation used, foreplay is a time for discovery and getting closer to each other to fan the flames of love. It's a moment of harmony and harmonisation during which you listen

santé éducation
20/01/2025 12:33

Warm lemon water for a good erection

Many men over the age of 40 can experience occasional erectile dysfunction. The penis is made up of spongy tissue with numerous blood vessels running through it. When there is sexual stimulation, the brain sends a message to the blood vessels so that

santé éducation
28/12/2024 11:04

Sexual dissatisfaction: causes and remedies

De nombreuses frustrations peuvent influer négativement les relations sexuelles : recherche constante de performance, manque de confiance en soi, résistances liées à un traumatisme sexuel, peurs inconscientes, manque de lâcher prise, méconnaissance d

santé éducation
23/12/2024 10:33

Couples/ Low sex drive: factors and remedies

Some couples, over time, begin to develop problems and insecurities in their private lives. Most people associate libido with a spontaneous sensation. It arises suddenly and leads couples into relationships characterized by passion. For this reason,

santé éducation
08/11/2022 16:54

Beware of using viagra without medical advice

Viagra is prescribed by doctors to treat or improve sexual dysfunction. However, many people, including young people and teenagers, take viagra without medical advice. This is simply to increase their sexual performance even if they do not suffer fro

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