Categorie: NaturoPhytotherapy

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «NaturoPhytotherapy»

santé éducation
04/03/2024 19:39

Neem: a potent blood cleanser

Officially declared the "tree of the 21st century" by the United Nations, neem is unrivaled in eliminating toxins that clog the blood and cause skin problems. It tones the mucous membranes while purifying them of toxins. Its antiseptic potential...

santé éducation
29/02/2024 19:16

3 healthy recipes for pregnant women

Pregnancy is the perfect time to start taking care of oneself, eliminating certain unhealthy habits, and introducing good ones. Everything is done for the well-being of the baby, so taking care of oneself will be much more motivating. If you are....

santé éducation
29/02/2024 16:17

3 Superfoods to Cleanse Arteries

A diet high in polyunsaturated fats and a sedentary lifestyle contribute to artery blockage. As a result, blood flow to the heart becomes less fluid. If this issue is not addressed in time, it can prove fatal, leading to conditions such as angina,...

santé éducation
20/02/2024 12:13

Clove: relieve toothache

Cloves are an effective natural remedy for mouth infections and toothache. The benefits of cloves stem from the concentration of eugenol, a substance with antiseptic, disinfectant and analgesic properties.

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