Categorie: Mother - Child

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «Mother - Child »

santé éducation
27/10/2023 13:54

Protecting children's lungs

Children's respiratory health is essential to their overall well-being. Parents have a key role to play in protecting and promoting their children's lung health. Here are some practical tips to ensure that children's lungs remain healthy as they gro

santé éducation
06/10/2023 14:10

Labour in women: common complications

La très grande majorité des accouchements par voie basse se déroule sans incident. Néanmoins, certaines situations en maternité peuvent être source de complications et de stress. Le point avec Dr Jean-Christophe Ayao Gynécologue Obstétricien à la cli

santé éducation
12/09/2023 17:48

Baby's teething: how can I help?

Teething is a stage in life that often worries parents when it happens to a very young child. Tough, tough, when the first milk teeth start to erupt. Admittedly, this unpleasant moment is unavoidable, but there are a few tricks that can help.

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