Vaginal fishy odour: beware of a vaginal infection

Vaginal fishy odour: beware of a vaginal infection
Extract from the article: L’odeur vaginale de poisson est simplement gênante pour quiconque l’a déjà expérimentée. Beaucoup de femmes en font l’expérience à un moment donné de leur vie. La gynécologue obstétricienne, Dr Dédé Kafui Bénédicta Amewoui, Responsable de Clinique Gr

Fishy vaginal odour is simply embarrassing for anyone who has ever experienced it. Many women experience it at some point in their lives. Obstetric gynaecologist Dr Dédé Kafui Bénédicta Amewoui, Head of Clinique Group Médical (Agoè-Logopé), shows that unpleasant vaginal odours damage women's self-esteem and can also disrupt intimate relationships and sex life. In most cases, fishy vaginal odour is a symptom of a vaginal infection.

A healthy vagina and good vaginal hygiene are extremely important for women. Every woman has a specific normal vaginal odour. In general, vaginal odour is the result of several factors: a combination of sweat, bacteria, vaginal secretions and underwear fabric.

Vaginal odour can change depending on a number of factors: after intense sport, a strong vaginal odour can be felt. During menstruation, the vagina has an iron-like odour coming from the blood; after a shower or bath (proper hygiene), the vagina generally has no odour.

« A fishy vaginal odour can be noted even in girls who have never been sexually active, but in most cases, a fishy odour can be observed in sexually active women. In most cases, an unusual fishy vaginal odour is associated with other symptoms such as vaginal discharge, itching, burning or irritation », explains Dr Dédé Bénedicta Améwoui, Obstetrician-Gynaecologist, Head of the Group Medical Clinic.

Bacterial vaginosis

Bacterial vaginosis (also known as « anaerobic vaginosis ») can affect women of any age. All women have harmless bacteria in their vaginal passage. Bacterial vaginosis is generally the result of a proliferation of bacteria normally present in the vagina: a bacterial imbalance in the vagina. Any imbalance will lead to infection and bacterial vaginosis due to the bacteria normally present in the vagina.

« Fishy vaginal odour is a very typical and frequent symptom of bacterial vaginosis.In the course of bacterial vaginosis, women generally suffer not only from an unpleasant vaginal odour, but also from light grey or white vaginal discharge, a vaginal burning sensation and burning sensations during urination and during or after sexual intercourse », explains Dr Dédé Bénedicta Améwoui, Obstetrician Gynaecologist.


Trichomoniasis is a common sexually transmitted infection that affects young, sexually active women. Trichomonas is caused by a single-celled protozoan parasite called Trichomonas vaginalis. Around 20% of women develop vaginal trichomonas during their reproductive period. Symptoms of trichomonas generally appear in women within 5 to 28 days of exposure. Dr Dédé Bénedicta Améwoui, shows that « during trichomonas, a fishy vaginal odour may appear, combined with intense vaginal discharge (greenish-yellow, frothy, fishy-smelling), burning sensations during urination and sexual contact, vaginal discomfort and irritation, and abdominal pain ».


Mycosis is a fairly common vaginal infection caused by the fungus Candida albicans. Over 75% of women will contract a yeast infection during their lifetime (usually during pregnancy). Symptoms of mycosis can appear differently depending on the period of the menstrual cycle: « symptoms of mycosis are more likely to occur in the week before your period.A fishy vaginal odour is not very typical of mycosis, but it can sometimes appear: in most cases, if it is associated with other vaginal infections. The most typical symptoms of vaginal mycosis are: vaginal itching, vaginal discharge "similar to cottage cheese", frequent painful urination, vaginal irritation and burning sensations », says the obstetrician-gynaecologist.


Excessive sweating can cause an unpleasant vaginal odour triggered by the apocrine sweat glands. When these glands secrete oils, vaginal bacteria metabolise them and give off a distinct odour (sometimes a fishy smell). According to Dr Dédé Bénedicta Améwoui, Head of the Group Medical Clinic, the more sweat the vagina produces, the stronger the odour. « The main causes of excessive vaginal sweating are synthetic clothing, tight-fitting clothes, obesity, intensive pubic hair, inadequate hygiene, excessive sweating caused by hormonal imbalance, menopausal hot flushes and night sweats », she lists.

Pelvic inflammatory disease

Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID) is sometimes caused by vaginal bacteria that travel into the vagina and uterus. In most cases, says Dr Dédé Améwoui, PID results from sexually transmitted infections, which can also be responsible for the fishy vaginal odour. « The main symptoms of PID include pelvic pain, abdominal pain, bleeding between periods, increased or changed vaginal discharge, fever and chills, vomiting and nausea, and pain or discomfort during sexual intercourse », she says.


It's well known that the foods you eat can actually affect vaginal odour.Foods with strong odours, such as garlic, pepper, chillies, fish, blue cheese, onions, cabbage and broccoli can cause strange smells. According to the Obstetrician Gynaecologist, if a particular food triggers a fishy smell, avoid it.

William O.

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L’odeur vaginale de poisson est simplement gênante pour quiconque l’a déjà expérimentée. Beaucoup de femmes en font l’expérience à un moment donné de leur vie. La gynécologue obstétricienne, Dr Dédé Kafui Bénédicta Amewoui, Responsable de Clinique Gr