Categorie: Do you know?

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «Do you know?»

02/07/2024 12:21

Practices to reduce fatigue

Fatigue is one of the most widespread, least treated and most insidious health problems in the modern world. In fact, it is rarely and often misdiagnosed. We're tired for days and weeks on end, we're tired early in the morning, and we don't systemati

07/06/2024 12:52

Pain or burning in the anus: what to do?

People suffering from a disorder of the rectum or anus are likely to experience pain, burning or discomfort during the day. However, these symptoms should not be taken lightly, as they may aggravate the condition. What can be done to relieve these se

05/06/2024 15:09

Beware of dehydration in the elderly

The human body is made up of around 70% water. However, water intake can be insufficient, especially in the elderly, putting their health at risk. Dehydration, a condition in which the body loses an excessive amount of water, can have serious consequ

22/06/2024 15:06

3 sports for a healthy heart

According to the WHO, a sedentary lifestyle is the fourth leading risk factor for death worldwide. It is the No. 1 enemy of the heart. That's why it's so important to be active. According to Dr Damien Ekoué-Kouvahey, Sports Physician, « regular, mo

05/06/2024 15:04

Can food intolerance be cured?

La distinction n’est pas facile à faire entre l’allergie et l’intolérance alimentaire. Dans le premier cas, le système immunitaire est en cause, mais dans le second, le mécanisme est plus mystérieux. Une élimination, puis une réintroduction de l’alim

23/05/2024 19:18

Sport regenerates the brain

Regular exercise boosts cognitive capacity, according to two American and Swiss studies. According to the Swiss study, published in the journal « Scientific Reports », during intensive sporting activity, the body produces euphoric molecules called en

31/05/2024 16:51

Lower back pain: how do you get rid of it?

Back pain is very common after a certain age, and generally occurs between the ages of 40 and 80. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), by 2020, around 1 in 13 people (or 619 million people) will have had at least one episode of this pro

31/05/2024 16:32

Swollen feet: causes and treatment

Swollen feet can happen to anyone. Although it can be worrying at first sight, there are several possible causes. Swollen feet can be caused by vascular problems, water retention or lack of exercise. Dr Patrick Ngou, Paediatrician (Cameroon) discusse

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