Categorie: Psychology

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «Psychology»

santé éducation
10/02/2025 18:15

Practical ways to avoid anxiety attacks

Nowadays, many people are faced with anxiety attacks, which they can prevent or even manage. These attacks can begin suddenly and are characterised by symptoms such as palpitations, sweating or difficulty breathing, among others. The feeling of suffo

santé éducation
26/11/2024 11:10

Laughing is effective against stress

«While as children we laugh up to 400 times a day, it is exceptional to do so only ten times as an adult», reports the French Federation of Cardiology. And yet all the studies show the benefits of laughter on physical and mental health, and particula

santé éducation
14/11/2024 12:43

Tips for getting rid of nervousness

In life, it's sometimes difficult to escape certain situations where tension and nervousness take over. Even if you try to overcome this nervousness, your body's reactions betray this state and sometimes tend towards physiological discomfort. Here ar

santé éducation
29/10/2024 17:14

Tips for de-stressing when you get home

Le stress, l’un des pires ennemis de la santé, peut engendrer des problèmes de cœur, risques d’infarctus, prise de poids, dépression affaiblissement du système immunologique. Les enfants, les travaux ménagers, la cuisine… En arrivant à la maison, une

santé éducation
06/09/2022 22:05

The health benefits of board games

The creation of new teaching methods has led to the development of numerous board games. Far from being mere leisure activities, these games instil educational values in children and adults alike. A good learning process means acquiring knowledge in

santé éducation
06/09/2022 21:54

Disappointment in love: how to overcome it?

Disappointment in love is when the person you love becomes very disillusioned with you. It's a state caused by dissatisfaction or failure in a relationship, such as a break-up, betrayal, unrequited love or adultery. There are many causes of disappoin

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