Curing diabetes: is it possible?

Curing diabetes: is it possible?
Extract from the article: The key to any hope of curing diabetes is to improve your physical condition, eat more healthily, avoid stress, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and lose weight (the first two points help). « To reverse diabetes, a very low-calorie diet (just 700 k

The key to any hope of curing diabetes is to improve your physical condition, eat more healthily, avoid stress, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and lose weight (the first two points help). « To reverse diabetes, a very low-calorie diet (just 700 kcal a day) for 2 months can help restore normal blood sugar levels. However, to follow such a diet, it is important to be accompanied, to consume sufficient vitamins, fibre and water, and to be able to rest. You should also be aware that the faster you act, the greater your chances of success. Changing your lifestyle will stimulate your cells and regenerate them so that they become sensitive to insulin again. This is only possible if the insulin-producing pancreatic cells have not been destroyed (which is the case in very advanced diabetes). It's also important to identify the factors that promote diabetes and eliminate them », explains Mathieu Tobossi, Food Hygiene and Quality Specialist.

This is the case, for example, with salt (when consumed in excess), glutamate and aspartame (sweeteners found in all diet or 'sugar-free' products), and also certain antidepressants (these cholesterol-lowering drugs increase the risk of diabetes by 46%).

In fact, diabetes cannot be cured, as Dr Catherine Solano, a French sexologist, points out. « Diabetes is not, a priori, a curable disease.But it all depends on your diabetes.If you have type 2 diabetes and are very overweight, losing weight can sometimes normalise your blood sugar levels. ...In the case of type 1 diabetes, you can lose a lot of weight before you discover you have diabetes, and then put on weight again once you start taking insulin.But this does not mean that the diabetes is cured.It's simply balanced... ».

William O.


The key to any hope of curing diabetes is to improve your physical condition, eat more healthily, avoid stress, stop smoking and drinking alcohol, and lose weight (the first two points help). « To reverse diabetes, a very low-calorie diet (just 700 k