Performance review 2023 of the DPS Golfe

Performance review 2023 of the DPS Golfe
Extract from the article: From 6 to 9 February 2024, the Prefectural Health Department of Golfe organised a Performance Review 2023 and Micro Planning of Activities 2024 in Lomé. The opening ceremony of this workshop was presided over by the Secretary General of the Golfe Pr

From 6 to 9 February 2024, the Prefectural Health Department of Golfe organised a Performance Review 2023 and Micro Planning of Activities 2024 in Lomé.  The opening ceremony of this workshop was presided over by the Secretary General of the Golfe Prefecture, Bernard Lébénè Djagbavi. It was attended by the mayor of Golfe 2, section heads and programme managers from the Gulf regional health directorate, as well as health facility managers and partners from the prefectural district.

The four-day workshop was part of the annual evaluation provided for in the new 2023-2027 health development plan of the Ministry of Health, as well as the implementation of health activities scheduled in the district and outlying health units. The main objective of this review is to assess the activities planned and carried out in 2023 by all the health structures in the Gulf district. It will also assess the performance of the health system in the Gulf prefecture in terms of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other indicators defined in the National Health Development Programme (NHDP).

During the meeting, presentations, talks and debates enabled participants, including stakeholders and partners, to measure the progress made and identify gaps at district level. This forum for exchanging and sharing experiences also aimed to propose solutions for improving essential indicators in the interests of the population.

According to Dr Koffi Agbetiafa, Director of the DPS-Golfe, this annual assessment provided an opportunity for the Gulf district, which has 24 health facilities, to improve its performance.It also enabled the difficulties and constraints associated with implementing the recommendations made for 2023 to be identified. The conclusions drawn from this work were used as corrective measures to validate the data in the report for the annual prefectural health review.

This exercise enabled the evolution of performance indicators for 2023 to be assessed. « With the analytical report of the previous year's activities, we assessed the level of achievement of our operational action plans over the past year, and will plan the 2024 activities of the DPS du Golfe to contribute to the success of quality Universal Health Insurance (UHI) », said Dr Koffi Agbetiafa.



From 6 to 9 February 2024, the Prefectural Health Department of Golfe organised a Performance Review 2023 and Micro Planning of Activities 2024 in Lomé. The opening ceremony of this workshop was presided over by the Secretary General of the Golfe Pr