Greater Lomé (2022-2023): 69% of pregnant women having received 3 doses of IPT

Greater Lomé (2022-2023): 69% of pregnant women having received 3 doses of IPT
Extract from the article: Le pourcentage de femmes enceintes ayant reçu 3 doses du Traitement préventif intermittent (TPI) pendant la grossesse est passé de 69%, contre 65,57% entre 2022 et 2023. L’information a été donnée au cours de la revue annuelle de la direction régiona

The percentage of pregnant women having received 3 doses of Intermittent Preventive Treatment (IPT) during pregnancy has risen from 69% to 65.57% between 2022 and 2023. This information was given during the annual review of the Grand-Lomé Regional Health Department (DRS), held from 13 to 15 March 2024. In addition to the increase in the TPII, other indicators have also evolved. The rate of use of curative care rose from 51.14% to 55.1%, and the percentage of children aged 0-11 years who received 3 doses of pentavalent vaccine rose from 81% to 87%. However, some indicators have declined. For example, the number of years of family planning protection is 55,285, compared with 90,636; the percentage of functional SMCs is 48%, compared with 58%. The DRS-Grand-Lomé review is part of the new National Health Development Plan (PNDS) 2023-2027, which recommends an annual meeting in each health region to assess performance. Grand-Lomé comprises the prefectures of Golfe and Agoè-Nyivé.

Jean ELI


Le pourcentage de femmes enceintes ayant reçu 3 doses du Traitement préventif intermittent (TPI) pendant la grossesse est passé de 69%, contre 65,57% entre 2022 et 2023. L’information a été donnée au cours de la revue annuelle de la direction régiona