5th edition of the University of the 3rd Age: record turnout of senior citizens in Kara

5th edition of the University of the 3rd Age: record turnout of senior citizens in Kara
Extract from the article: The 5th edition of the Universities of the 3rd Age was held on Saturday 09 March 2024 at the Kara youth centre. The theme of this initiative by the National Health Insurance Institute (INAM) was « Keeping promises to the elderly ».

The 5th edition of the Universities of the 3rd Age was held on Saturday 09 March 2024 at the Kara youth centre. The theme of this initiative by the National Health Insurance Institute (INAM) was « Keeping promises to the elderly ».

The increase in life expectancy observed in recent decades poses a number of social and economic challenges for every country in the world, particularly developing countries. In Togo, the situation of the elderly occupies a prominent place in the government's social inclusion policy. It is in this context that civil society organisations and other institutions are mobilising to make their contribution to the government's actions through activities on the ground to raise awareness of the situation of senior citizens.

According to Tèbiè Valentin, INAM's Director of Communications, « it's not just a question of reimbursing drugs or services every time, it's also a duty to provide health information and education. This year's theme invites everyone to work to promote the rights of senior citizens, in particular the right to information and health education ».

Four presentations were given on this day devoted to seniors: What diet should diabetics and hypertensives, especially the elderly, follow? The dangers of alcohol and counterfeit medicines for the elderly, the role and responsibility of the elderly within the community for social cohesion, and universal health insurance.

The meeting was attended by the representative of the Director General of INAM, Dr Têko Amoussou Kouétété, representatives of the Prefect of Kozah, the Mayor of Kozah 1 and a representative of the elderly.In their speeches, they all praised the initiatives taken by the Head of State and his government to improve the health of the population in general, and of the elderly in particular.

Jean ELI


The 5th edition of the Universities of the 3rd Age was held on Saturday 09 March 2024 at the Kara youth centre. The theme of this initiative by the National Health Insurance Institute (INAM) was « Keeping promises to the elderly ».