Universal health insurance: the CNSS health insurance card is operational

Universal health insurance: the CNSS health insurance card is operational
Extract from the article: On Tuesday 26 March, the Togo National Social Security Fund (CNSS) held a ceremony to present and symbolically hand over the new CNSS health insurance cards. The CNSS health insurance cards are a key to accessing care and services provided by the CNS

On Tuesday 26 March, the Togo National Social Security Fund (CNSS) held a ceremony to present and symbolically hand over the new CNSS health insurance cards. The CNSS health insurance cards are a key to accessing care and services provided by the CNSS. The ceremony was attended by Gilbert Bawara, Minister of Labour, Civil Service and Social Dialogue and Chairman of the CNSS Board of Directors, and Ingrid Awadé, CNSS Director General.

The Togo National Social Security Fund (CNSS) is seeking to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the management of the social security system, in particular universal health insurance (UHI). To this end, it is proposing a single insurance card valid for all benefits. « This card is used independently for family and maternity benefits, occupational risks and old-age, invalidity and death pensions.It is a universal card, equipped with an electronic chip that stores the holder's identification details. The card is valid from the moment it is received, for an unlimited period depending on the insured person's career with the CNSS. It acts as a key to access health care and enables beneficiaries to receive health care services from health care centres under agreement with the CNSS », explained Komla Woamey, Head of Digital Products at the CNSS/Togo. The unique insurance card includes the policyholder's number. It is useful for other branches as well as the AMU number for the Universal Health Insurance branch, all encoded in a barcode that can be read automatically.

In this first wave, 15 state and private companies received cards for their employees and beneficiaries.They include FUCEC-Togo, Brasserie BB Lomé, EPAM, ANVT, SOTRAL, Hôpital de référence Dogta Lafiè, École Cours Lumière, GIZ, Dodo Cosmetics, CHU Campus, Société de Gestion d'Intermédiation, Editogo and Société Togolaise de Handling. The CNSS is encouraging the country's other companies to follow suit by updating their employees' details and those of their beneficiaries, so that the AMU can be effectively implemented in Togo.

The Minister for the Civil Service congratulated the CNSS on the quality of its work.He appealed to both insured persons and healthcare providers to be indulgent towards the organisations that manage health insurance. « We are aware that we are facing a number of difficulties.The indulgence we would like and request from you is to be understanding and not to hesitate to submit to the CNSS any difficulties or malfunctions that may arise.Health care providers need to get involved in this innovation so that our fellow citizens can have access to quality health care », said Gilbert Bawara.

How to obtain the card ?

To benefit from the CNSS health insurance card, you must be insured with the CNSS, you must create your insured account on the service platform on the CNSS website www.cnss.tg and you must be able to update the personal details of the insured and beneficiaries.

The update concerns information relating to the insured person's residence, the provision of a legalized birth certificate and a photo, as well as information on beneficiaries. Policyholders who are legally married must provide a photograph of their spouse in addition to a legalized marriage certificate.All these documents must be scanned and attached to the update form.The entire application process is online.

William O.


On Tuesday 26 March, the Togo National Social Security Fund (CNSS) held a ceremony to present and symbolically hand over the new CNSS health insurance cards. The CNSS health insurance cards are a key to accessing care and services provided by the CNS