Signature of partnership agreement between organizations management of AMU and care providers and health services

Signature of partnership agreement between organizations management of AMU and care providers and health services
Extract from the article: The togolese government accelerates the effective implementation of universal health insurance (MVA). So all the different actors are now involved for the extension of social protection to all layers of the Togolese population. This inclusive approac

The togolese government accelerates the effective implementation of universal health insurance (MVA). So all the different actors are now involved for the extension of social protection to all layers of the Togolese population. This inclusive approach took concrete form on 29 March 2024 in Lomé with the signing of a partnership agreement between the AMU management bodies and health care and service providers.

Under the terms of the agreement, all the parties involved are committed to making the AMU programme a reality, in particular by starting to reimburse drugs and healthcare services nationwide from 1 April 2024.

« The agreement we have signed today will enable us to take action. We have already begun the process since 1 January 2024, and from 1 April we will enter the application phase.Today, we have signed an agreement with the various professional bodies, such as the doctors', pharmacists', dental surgeons' and hospitals' associations, which will enable us to use the third-party payment method to reimburse care and medicines that patients will have to pay for in the future.Let me remind you that our target is essentially the formal private sector, as well as what we call the informal sector. We prefer to call them self-employed workers, ministers of religion, in short, all individuals in the private sector », said CNSS Director General Ingrid Awadé.

Ministers Jean-Marie Koffi Ewounoule Tessi, responsible for Universal Access to Healthcare, and Pr Moustafa Mijiyawa, responsible for Health and Public Hygiene, welcomed the signing of the agreement, which they said marked the culmination of a long process of information, awareness-raising, dialogue and consultation aimed at facilitating the success of this project championed by the President of the Republic.

They praised the willingness of all those involved and invited them to get involved and do their utmost to ensure the success of AMU.

« We call for pragmatism, flexibility, education and communication, both between the management bodies and the service providers, but also with regard to our fellow citizens, policyholders and beneficiaries.Because there may be difficulties at the outset, we need to manage them with flexibility, pragmatism and commitment so that we can overcome them, and very soon we will be able to extend cover to other citizens.I would particularly like to have the cooperation of the medical profession on the concept of the health pyramid, which is enshrined in the texts », declared Jean-Marie Koffi Ewonoulé Tessi.

The AMU is one of the government's flagship projects aimed at guaranteeing access to quality healthcare for all sections of the Togolese population, thanks to a risk pooling and solidarity financing mechanism.

William O.


The togolese government accelerates the effective implementation of universal health insurance (MVA). So all the different actors are now involved for the extension of social protection to all layers of the Togolese population. This inclusive approac