Benthywa Rosalie Ekoue-Kouvahey, dedicated to helping the frail

 Benthywa Rosalie Ekoue-Kouvahey, dedicated to helping the frail
Extract from the article: Benthywa Rosalie Johnson, wife of Ekoue-Kouvahey, embodies the selfless, dedicated spirit that guides professionals in the field of assistance to the frail. As Director of the Service d'Assistance à Domicile et dans les Hôpitaux (SADH-VISA), she play

Benthywa Rosalie Johnson, wife of Ekoue-Kouvahey, embodies the selfless, dedicated spirit that guides professionals in the field of assistance to the frail. As Director of the Service d'Assistance à Domicile et dans les Hôpitaux (SADH-VISA), she plays an important role in the support and well-being of individuals in situations of dependence or difficulty, whether they are elderly, ill or disabled.

Benthywa Rosalie Ekoue-Kouvahey's career as a nurse led her to find her calling in helping hospitalized patients with their day-to-day needs. But it was above all the attentive care she provided to her own ailing mother for two years that ignited her passion for helping vulnerable people: a vocation nourished by experience and love. « Our job consists of placing agents, specialists trained for 3 years, to assist frail, dependent people with temporary difficulties due to age, illness, disability or social difficulties in loss of autonomy, as well as the elderly or any other person in need of assistance. I really enjoy this job », she declares.

A busy but rewarding day

For Benthywa Rosalie Ekoue-Kouvahey, every working day is an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the people in her care.Visits to families, exchanges with auxiliaries and encouragement for patients are at the heart of her daily commitment.

Emotional memories

The most memorable moments of her work are those when Rosalie Ekoue-Kouvahey sees the elderly regain their vitality and joie de vivre despite their difficulties. « It's when you see seniors in very cheerful form, fighting their addictions and giving life advice », she enthuses. 

However, she cannot ignore painful moments, such as accidents to the elderly, reminding us of the fragility of the human condition.

A key role in the nation's development

Benthywa Ekoue-Kouvahey is convinced that her profession contributes to the development of her country by taking care of a crucial part of its population. « By paying special attention to the elderly and vulnerable, we are actively participating in Togo's social and human development », she says.

Challenges and hopes

The challenges she faces are many, ranging from socio-familial difficulties to the management of health problems common among the elderly. « Often, the origins lie in increased family activity and the distance from children. Difficulties include loss of mobility in old age, health problems such as hearing loss, cataracts and refractive errors, osteoarthritis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, depression and dementia. Aging is most often at the root of falls at home, and the family's non-compliance with working conditions », asserts the specialist.

However, she remains determined to overcome these obstacles to offer the best possible support to her patients and their families.

A message of love and careBenthywa Rosalie Ekoue-Kouvahey makes a heartfelt appeal for solidarity with the elderly, the true treasures of our society. « I would particularly like to thank the NGO VISA, the Company MAWOUGNON and the families of our senior citizens », she adds.

She strongly encourages the participation of people of good will to support this noble cause, reminding us that caring for the elderly is a collective duty and a source of wealth for all.

Benthywa Rosalie Ekoue-Kouvahey embodies the spirit of generosity and compassion that inspires professionals working to help the frail.Her unwavering commitment and determination to improve the lives of the most vulnerable make her an inspiring figure in Togo's health and well-being landscape.



Benthywa Rosalie Johnson, wife of Ekoue-Kouvahey, embodies the selfless, dedicated spirit that guides professionals in the field of assistance to the frail. As Director of the Service d'Assistance à Domicile et dans les Hôpitaux (SADH-VISA), she play