Fast food: beware of cardiovascular disease

Fast food: beware of cardiovascular disease
Extract from the article: According to a study published in the medical journal « The Lancet », 1 in 5 deaths worldwide is due to diet. One of the causes of this may be the increasing abandonment of traditional dishes in favor of fast food and canned goods; ultra-processed fo

According to a study published in the medical journal « The Lancet », 1 in 5 deaths worldwide is due to diet. One of the causes of this may be the increasing abandonment of traditional dishes in favor of fast food and canned goods; ultra-processed foods that are not without consequences for health: indeed, « they expose us to several chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and digestive disease », says nutritionist-dietician Yasmine Sandrine Zerbo.

Togo is experiencing galloping population growth, rapid urban development and the emergence of a middle class. These various factors are prompting a growing number of Togolese to abandon traditional dishes in favor of meals served in fast-food outlets: English bread, hamburgers, pizzas, chawarma are just some of the ready-made dishes that many people don't hesitate to buy to appease their hunger. Young people, especially office workers, those who don't engage in much physical activity or sport, smokers and heavy alcohol drinkers are the biggest fast-food eaters. Children, too, are increasingly exposed to high-sugar, high-energy-density processed foods - low-end products that are therefore quite nutritious.

According to nutritionist Yasmine Sandrine Zerbo, « fast-food meals are characterized by excess saturated fats, high meat cooking temperatures, excessive salt, sugar in prepared dishes (pizzas, hamburgers), deli meats and canned foods.  The result is a high-calorie diet that has been processed and sterilized to the point of being depleted of vital nutrients. Such eating habits are the cause of many chronic diseases, such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular disease, kidney disease and digestive disorders ».

 Studies have shown that a diet too rich in saturated fats, salt, unhealthy fats and sugar can lead to weight gain, obesity, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

« Who says more meat, carbohydrates (sugar), says increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, leading to increased risk of heart attacks, kidney failure and strokes. And today, the prevalence rate of these diseases is worrying in our country », stressed the nutritionist. That's why she advises minimizing consumption of fast food and canned goods: « Let's eat simply and as little processed food as possible; for example, it's better for a child to eat a piece of bread, a banana or a glass of local milk than industrial cookies stuffed with chemicals.Avoid eating fast food: it's fattening and addictive, even though it doesn't contain any good nutrients », she insists.

Dietary advice for a healthy life

Exercise at least three times a week. Drink enough water, at least 2 liters a day. Eat foods rich in antioxidants, such as seasonal fruits and vegetables. Avoid eating out, preferring home-cooked meals. Reduce consumption of sugar, salt, fat and alcohol. Reduce consumption of fast food and canned foods. Prefer natural juices to soft drinks.

William O.


According to a study published in the medical journal « The Lancet », 1 in 5 deaths worldwide is due to diet. One of the causes of this may be the increasing abandonment of traditional dishes in favor of fast food and canned goods; ultra-processed fo