Spitting in public: an unpleasant and dangerous gesture

Spitting in public: an unpleasant and dangerous gesture
Extract from the article: Spitting in public may seem like a harmless act, but the dangers are very real. In a world where public health has become a top priority, it's time to recognize public spitting as a contagious threat. Spit can carry a multitude of diseases, from bact

Spitting in public may seem like a harmless act, but the dangers are very real. In a world where public health has become a top priority, it's time to recognize public spitting as a contagious threat. Spit can carry a multitude of diseases, from bacterial infections to deadly viruses. Doctor Jean-Claude Bakpatina, General Practitioner at the « Floreal » Clinic in Lomé, highlights the risks of this unhealthy practice.

How many people have had the misfortune to receive this unwanted gift in the face, turning their day into a festival of disgust and horror. There are many reasons why people might feel the urge to spit. These can include health concerns such as nasal congestion, respiratory infections. What about fasting? There's nothing like it to transform the mouth into a veritable battlefield of saliva and mucus. However, these reasons do not justify spitting in public.

Beware of potential illnesses

Spit, that veritable nest of microbes, is a potential vector of disease and infection. « When a sick person spits, it's not just saliva they're emitting.They're spreading microbes.These can be viruses or bacteria, which can remain suspended in the air or be deposited surreptitiously on surrounding surfaces, patiently awaiting their next victim », informs Dr. Jean-Claude Bakpatina, General Practitioner at the Floréal Clinic in Lomé.  Public transport, frenzied crowds at public events, places of worship or prayer are all places where germs can spread.

It's not uncommon to see people spitting from their motorcycles or cars in the middle of traffic.Spitting from a moving engine is not only an act of pure insalubrity, it's also a form of spreading germs to the population.You can imagine these tiny droplets being propelled through the air at dizzying speeds.

Doctor Jean-Claude Bakpatina, General Practitioner, points out that spitting can transmit a multitude of unpleasant infections, ranging from upper and lower respiratory viruses, with symptoms ranging from the common cold to severe lung infections requiring hospitalization.

« In the current epidemic context in Togo, measles, a highly contagious virus, spreads mainly by the respiratory route. It can lead to serious complications, including pneumonia, encephalitis and even death, particularly in young children, the immunocompromised and those who are not vaccinated. Not to mention the bacteria that can cause conditions such as pneumonia and meningitis. What's more, the presence of blood in sputum can increase the risk of transmitting viruses such as HIV and viral hepatitis », stresses Dr. Jean-Claude Bakpatina.

What can you do to avoid spreading droplets outdoors?

« Simply avoid spitting in public. If you really can't hold it in, opt for a tissue (to be thrown away immediately afterwards) and wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after spitting, sneezing, coughing or coming into contact with contaminated surfaces », recommends the GP.Wearing a mask or muffler can protect the face from microbial particles emitted by spitters. Finally, « people with respiratory symptoms such as coughs, colds or fevers should consult a health professional for a precise diagnosis and appropriate treatment », he advises. 

The preservation of public hygiene is the responsibility of each and every one of us, and it's time to assume it, insists Dr Jean-Claude Bakpatina.



Spitting in public may seem like a harmless act, but the dangers are very real. In a world where public health has become a top priority, it's time to recognize public spitting as a contagious threat. Spit can carry a multitude of diseases, from bact