Result of the research: Prevention - Page 1

12/06/2024 17:39

Depression: causes, symptoms, prevention

Depression affects a significant number of people in Africa, warns the World Health Organization (WHO). More than 28 million people suffer from depression, "making it the most common mental health disorder on the continent". Although common, depressi

27/06/2024 18:31

Dengue: warning signs and prevention

Cases of dengue fever have been reported in hospitals in recent weeks. In February 2024, when cases of dengue fever were detected in Togo, health authorities issued a call for vigilance and prevention. Dengue fever, a viral disease transmitted by mos

31/05/2024 13:43

10 tips for eating less sugar

Dans son livre, « Sucre : l’ennemi public n°1 », le Docteur Réginald Allouche, médecin généraliste français, ingénieur biomédical et spécialiste de la prévention du diabète et du surpoids martèle que le sucre, consommé en grande quantité, est toxique

31/05/2024 13:09

Bulimia: warning signs and prevention

On June 02, the world celebrates World Eating Disorders Day. Eating disorders are common psychiatric illnesses that should not be confused with, for example, loss of appetite, snacking or dietary restrictions. However, according to recent epidemiolog

21/05/2024 15:16

Warm lemon water: health benefits

Drinking lemon water before breakfast is good for your health. Lemons contain nutrients such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, iron and vitamins A, C and B, as well as pectin, proteins and carbohydrates. To make lemon water, use whole lemons, not bot

08/05/2024 19:25

Promoting a safe and healthy working environment

Every 28 April, the world observes World Day for Safety and Health at Work (WDOSH). It's an important opportunity to raise awareness and mobilise people around the crucial issues of safety and health at work, and to take concrete action to create a s

Display of 12 results on 238 — Page 1