The importance of mindful eating

The importance of mindful eating
Extract from the article: Manger en travaillant, lisant, regardant la télévision, cette façon de s’alimenter contribue au risque de surpoids. Et si on prenait pleinement conscience de ce qu’on avale ? La pleine conscience signifie se concentrer sur le moment présent, sur les

Eating while working, reading, watching TV, this way of eating contributes to the risk of being overweight. What if we were to become fully aware of what we are eating? Mindfulness means focusing on the present moment, on sensations, thoughts. Mindful eating means paying full attention to the food, when buying, preparing, serving and eating it. This is to make food a pleasure again and not just a vital reflex. Come to the table with an appetite, but not when you are hungry. Enjoy the food.  Take small bites.  This way of eating will allow the brain to catch up with the body. Being aware of the body's signals will help to limit food intake.

Jean ELI


Manger en travaillant, lisant, regardant la télévision, cette façon de s’alimenter contribue au risque de surpoids. Et si on prenait pleinement conscience de ce qu’on avale ? La pleine conscience signifie se concentrer sur le moment présent, sur les