Categorie: News

Affichage de tous les articles de la catégorie «News»

03/04/2024 17:28

No to the stigmatisation of autistic children

World Autism Awareness Day is celebrated every year on 2 April. To mark the occasion in Togo, the Association Togolaise pour l'Education et l'Insertion des Personnes avec Déficience Intellectuelle (ATEIPDI), in collaboration with the "Lumière" centre

18/03/2024 09:13

Performance review 2023 of the DPS Golfe

From 6 to 9 February 2024, the Prefectural Health Department of Golfe organised a Performance Review 2023 and Micro Planning of Activities 2024 in Lomé. The opening ceremony of this workshop was presided over by the Secretary General of the Golfe Pr

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